Neighborhood Goings-on

As a graduate of the City of Fort Collins Neighborhood Services Program, I took the initiative to work with my neighbors and apply for the Vibrant Neighborhood Grant (VNG).  What you see below is part of the process we did to apply for the grant--which we were awarded in November 2017.  Our first event was the Astronomy Night on January 19th (flyer to the right).

The next event I will help to produce as part of the VNG, will be the Ribbon-Cutting Celebration Ceremony for the installation of our neighborhood Little Free Library that Kris Hite is building.

The location of the installation will be at the south west corner of Rogers Park (near the community gardens).  There will be a band, food and presentations by local librarians.  The date is still to be determined, but likely early May. 

Vibrant Neighborhood Grant Series of Events Ideas

Event Season/Location Special Guest(s) Menu Music Note Champions
Little Library Installation Late fall or mid-spring.  SE corner of Rogers Park Wolverine Press/FC Library Board Member Sandwiches/cookies String musician Kris and Amanda
Halloween Pumpkin Party Oct. 31 at The Grange Local artists--City's Art in the Park Rep Foods that start with the letter P DJ Dance party Dhara and Gwen
Astronomy Night Winter; Saddle Ridge Natural Area Local Astronomy Club  sm'ores, hot chocolate campfire music have lounge chairs set up around a campfire Elsie and Jonny
Garden Walk late spring or  summer or fall/Rogers Park neighborhood Master Gardeners from the City or County Progressive dinner host choice showcase neighborhood gardens with low water use Eve and Gelly
Talent Show Winter/The Grange City Council Members buffet sound system Invite Open Stage Theatre to host Denise (?) and Molly (?)
Music Night Summer/The Barn Pathways Cares/Peace Corps pizza Drum Circle Sing Gelly, Bill, Dhara

Click here for 3 Seeds Development info from last year.  Click here to see the flyer used to promote the brainstorming sessions. Click here to see the maps of the neighborhood.

Vibrant Neighborhood Grant Update Click here to download blank application:

Click here to see "liner notes" for the application process

And the winner is A series of educational, cultural, and dramatic programs held throughout the year that pays tribute to what is great with our City and with our neighborhood.

Consider these ideas and submit your own.Please install the CRM WebTool to use Leadboxes First idea is to design, build and install a mini-library at the SE entrance to Rogers Park and then, for the ribbon cutting, have a rep from Wolverine Press come and a do demonstration on letter presses and talk about publishing.  Afterwards, we'd enjoy a catered dinner and a local musician providing music. Held at the park.

Halloween Pumpkin Carving Party with local artists helping with the carving and talking about the painted electric boxes and other art projects around the City.  There'd be a Trunk or Treat costume walk (candy stations in the car trunks in the parking lots)  for the families.  Catered dinner with foods that start with the letter "P". DJ Dance party following. Held indoors at The Grange

Astronomy Night with the local astronomer club showing off the night sky with a powerful telescope. Have lounge chairs set up; bond fire and sm'ors; story telling and science.  Hosted by Saddle Ridge Association; held around the pond.

Local Talent show of folks from the neighborhood, hosted by Open Stage Theatre. Invite City Council members to either co-host or roast. Provide dinner.

A Progressive Dinner Neighborhood Garden Tour--highlighting neighborhood landscaped gardens with low water needs.
A Master Gardener would be on hand to meet and greet. Different houses would provide the salad, another a soup, another hors'dervs, side dish, main dish, another dessert, etc.  

Music Night moderated by a music therapist from Pathways Care. Incorporate a drum circle and possibly a presentation by The Peace Corps. Enjoy ethnic food following the drumming.  Held at The Grange.